Where Is Our Empathy?

Some of the things I hear people complaining, protesting and vehemently bitching about are really freedoms and rights we take for granted. I find it amusing when the loudest complainers did absolutely nothing to deserve these freedoms they just happened to be born to them. They go on and on about their civil liberties, their rights, and justice for all. But “all” is who they deem worthy. Clearly they are worthy, they were born properly. Everyone else be damned.

Then there are those that protest the rights of others simply because their lives are harder than most, or so they perceive. They may have been picked on for being different, they don’t make as much money as they would like to, they may have been racially profiled or misjudged by others. They don’t have the “American Dream” so screw the rest of the world. I’m not saying they haven’t struggled, but why are they so angry with everyone else? No, this isn’t specifically about immigration, this is about the numerous things I see people make snap judgments and proclamations about.

There is a great demonstration that was created to bring awareness to rape, assault, and gender violence called Walk a Mile in Her Shoes. I’ve seen pictures of men in the highest of heals walking that mile. It’s a literal and figurative statement that I find really beautiful. There are others that sleep on the streets to know what it’s like to be homeless and bring awareness to the struggles of our homeless population. Sure once the demonstrations are over, the men remove their shoes and put on their sensible loafers and the people return to their warm homes. But there are important statements made with these demos.

Would any of us choose to live in a country with no freedom, no rights, and constant war just to see what it’s like? Would we immerse ourselves in this culture so that we could fully protest their need to escape knowing the nightmares of tyranny and injustice they face on a daily basis?

Would any of us allow ourselves to be injected with heroin then get checked into rehab so that we can continue to call addicts weak? Would we still laugh at their struggles to stay clean and sober when our own bodies shake, sweat, become violently ill, and rebel against us?

Would any of us live with a person bigger, stronger, or more dominant than us that demeans and controls our every move so that we can continue to look down on those that live with domestic violence? Would we say “they asked for it” or “they probably deserved it” after we’ve been smacked for not preparing the meal just right? Would we run away, would we fight back, would we do all the things we say others should do when we have no money, no family, and no safety to run to?

There is this elusive emotion called empathy. It is the ability to put yourself in the other persons place to better understand what their struggles might be. It is with this emotion that makes the immersion process unnecessary. It allows us to see the barriers that others face so that we can create the resources and solutions to help them. Where has our empathy gone? There is so much judgment and self-riotousness in the news and I hate to say it even in my own extended family. We are no longer working on solutions or possibilities but we sure as hell will tell everyone when they are doing things wrong.

Dear News, You Suck!

I hate the news. I don’t watch news shows and I try not to read the news articles that pop up when I’m searching for stuff on the internet. To me, instead of being a helpful, information filled platform, the news has become replete with negativity, slander, scare tactics, and celebrity gossip. If I were an alien from another planet and saw just today’s news I would think that the human race was vicious, murdering, pedophile, rapists and yes that includes an article about Bill friggin Cosby!

Perhaps it’s human nature to want to know such horrible things. To feel informed we need to know that others are suffering, doing illegal things and dying.  Some may argue that society shouldn’t turn a blind eye to these things, sighting that we need to know so we can change things for the better. Hahahahaha Right! Knowing that celebrities make stupid mistakes and do illegal things makes us so much better as a society. Knowing that some random person was brutally murdered in a country thousands of miles away helps you do what exactly? Be afraid and trust no one? Where are the “positive changes” this information is creating? I’m sure it’s there; maybe the media isn’t reporting it because it’s too darn positive.

Mental illness has made the news a lot within the last few years. There is no such thing as unbiased reporting. It’s a matter of what is considered “newsworthy.” No one wants to read that millions of people suffering from mental illness continue to lead productive, regular lives. NO, they want Amanda Bynes, reportedly a diagnosed schizophrenic, is off her meds and sleeping in a shopping mall. Brittany Spears was never more news worthy than when she was shaving her head before her diagnosis of bi polar disorder. I was heartbroken when I heard of Robin Williams’s suicide, a long time sufferer of bi polar and substance dependency. Once again, not positive information, and certainly not considered success stories of mental health.

These events show the devastation mental illness can cause. It brings light to the fact that mental break downs are not just limited to the “regular” people. The problem is that if society’s main source of information regarding mental health is just the media it’s no wonder people become fearful when they hear words like schizophrenia and bi polar disorder when linked to family or friends.

There is so much research, tons of evidence, and scientific studies that explain what mental health spectrums are: The differences between severe, moderate, and mild symptoms and functionality. There are numerous success stories and amazing accomplishments from those with mental illness. Do we see any of that in mainstream media, no. Sure the information is there somewhere, but only if you look really hard and genuinely want to learn about it.

Out of curiosity I did manage to find one semi positive article about mental health today, hidden within the yahoo news. The link is here:  https://www.yahoo.com/health/study-finds-1-in-5-americans-lives-with-a-mental-103153362632.html

At this point all I can do is continue to avoid and not support the vile crap that calls its self “news.” Perhaps one day society will take a step back and ask: what benefits are we really getting out of this skewed information? Are we better people for knowing it? Are we making positive changes as a result?

In the meantime, those of us with diagnosed mental illness will go ahead and continue to lead our boring non-newsworthy lives.